Review Policy

[Please note that I am currently not accepting requests at this time.]

If you are an author or publisher who would like me to review your book, I will gladly accept and post the review on my blog. I only ask that you read through my review policy before contacting me. Familiarizing yourself with how and what I typically review will help ensure that your book fits my blog’s criteria (and that my blog fits yours).

Books I read and review:

I primarily review young adult literature, although I am known to read middle grade and adult fiction novels on occasion. I do accept short stories and novellas for YA, middle grade, and adults works.

>>Young Adult / Middle Grade genres:

  • Contemporary / Realistic Fiction
  • “Adventure Novels”
  • Humorous Fiction
  • Dystopian
  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy (especially low/light and historical fantasy with occasional high fantasy)
  • Fables / Fairy Tales
  • Historical Fiction
  • Mystery
  • Paranormal / Horror
  • Chick-Lit

>> Common Young Adult / Middle Grade themes I look for:

  • Coming-of-age
  • Family dynamics
  • Mental health issues (e.g., depression, suicide, eating disorders, etc.)
  • Illness and death
  • LGBT

>>Adult genres:

  • Science Fiction
  • Humorous Fiction
  • Humorous Non-Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction
  • Literary

>>Common Adult themes I look for:

  • Family dynamics
  • Cultural
  • Mental health issues
  • Death and coping
  • Power or greed
  • Good vs. Evil
  • New beginnings

✦I do not accept books that are heavily religious–either fiction or non-fiction–just as I do not read and/or review erotica, westerns, self-help, biographies, and non-fiction YA/middle grade books. Note that I do read and will review books that have incorporated religious themes/elements, such as C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series (for example). I also review adult non-fiction, though it mostly consists of humorous memoirs/non-fiction.

Formats I accept:

By far and large, I prefer physical copies, as I find that I move more quickly through paperbacks/hardbacks. In regards to reviewing, I tend to flip through and re-read sections and compare it to my commentary, and this is most easily done with books that have pages.  However, I also understand issues surrounding shipping and I am aware of the cost-effectiveness that ebooks provide. I therefore also accept electronic formats, but only in files that can be opened in Kindle (PC) or Adobe Digital Editions.

How I review:

Each review I write reflects my honest opinion of the books I read. I generally provide a short recap of the book’s summary or plot and discuss aspects I both like and dislike. Under no circumstances will I boost my rating or change my wording to give your book a more favorable review. I respect the amount of work that goes into the writing and publication processes, and I will never discredit or attack the author. However, by providing me a copy of your book, it is subject to a negative review. This means I am likely to criticize certain aspects of the writing and plot, but I will maintain respect toward the author in doing so.

Where reviews are posted:

I will always post my reviews here, at midnight coffee monster, as well as Goodreads and BookLikes. In addition, I also link reviews back to my main blog over at nie zu viele.

My rating system:

★★★★★ — I love you (Iloveyou), and I will thrust this book in the face of every human being.

★★★★☆ — There may be a few things I dislike, but I’m still in love and recommending.

★★★☆☆ — This book has potential for more development, but I enjoy it nonetheless.

★★☆☆☆ — Reading this was like trudging in the opposite direction of a strong current. It may be readable, but I do not enjoy it.

★☆☆☆☆ — BRB: drowning self in a massive book pile utterly upset that I spent time reading this, and I may have abused my wall with it.

How to contact me:

If your book fits my reading preferences, and you think I will enjoy it, please e-mail me at midnightcoffeemonster(at)gmail(dot)com. If I do not respond within the first week, it means I am not interested or too busy to accept. In the instance that your e-mail finds its way into my spam folder, I do check and order spam on a regular basis.

Thank you for stopping by and considering me as a potential reader!

— Raya

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