Top Ten Tuesday #8

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Click here to read more and join!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Click here to read more and join!

This week’s TTT is… Top 10 series I’d like to start but haven’t yet. Similar to these book series, I have exams I should be studying for at this very moment — especially since I will take two of them tomorrow. As anyone may guess, I haven’t started a cram session yet. I sigh! And, internally, I scream. Luck, I hope, is on my side for the next few days, but in the meantime I will also be daydreaming about cuddling up in my special reading spot with these babies:

Underdog1. Wolfe Brothers by Markus Zusak

Zusak’s The Book Thief made me feel all sorts of horrible, sad emotions, but I love him for it. Mist glossed my eyes and I tried to hold in the tears, but the tears poured out regardless, and — after all this time — I continue to feel the tug and pull of his characters’ fates. To feel truly moved and touched by a book in that way doesn’t happen all too often for me, and now I am left waiting, waiting, waiting. I need more Zusak in my life. Recently, I read I am the Messenger, which anchored my adoration for Markus Zusak’s writing more deeply. Until he and his people decide his next book is ready for print, the only Zusak books left to explore are those belonging to his Wolfe Brothers series. As far as I know, Underdog is his first published novel — something that I’m both eager but cautious to approach. How does this series compare to his two most recent books? I hope to find out.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone2. Daughter of Smoke & Bone series by Laini Taylor

I will admit that, upon skimming the summary, this is not a kind of book I would typically pick up. However, as I’ve kept track of reviews, the buzz that surrounds this series isn’t easy to ignore. Daughter of Smoke & Bone sat on my to-read list for nearly a year, and I never so much as looked for it at the bookstore or requested it from the library. For shame. A few weeks ago I did (finally!) purchase it, and I’m excited to read it soon. I sincerely hope that Time wants to be pals with me so that I can read the the first book before summer.

The Knife of Never Letting Go3. Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness

I have ALL of the books! The Chaos Walking trilogy sits in a special spot on one of my shelves, positioned just so — sticking a tad ways out. For quite some time, I itched to own this series, but I’ve wailed about wanting to read them for longer. A Monster Calls remains as the only encounter I’ve had with Patrick Ness, and even then: Ness worked off an idea from Siobhan Dowd. It will be interesting to see any differences in writing technique, I am sure, but mostly: a) I heard The Knife of Never Letting Go is good, b) YA dystopian, and as I know very well… c) Good + Dystopia = My Thing.

The Maze Runner4. The Maze Runner series by James Dashner

And here I have yet another YA dystopian series that I also hear is good. Naturally I own the set, unless we count the prequel. I first picked up The Maze Runner from the library, and I read an estimated one-fourth of the book before classes practically tore it away. Since then I’ve made one or two more attempts, though I feel dread at re-reading and re-reading and re-reading the same pages — it always seems that I’m setting it down for one reason or another. Once I make it past those already-read pages, I’m certain the hook will reel me in once more.

The Golden Compass5. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

A very clear memory of sixteen year-old me perusing the mall’s main bookstore and refusing to leave without The Golden Compass still remains. Sometimes, when I’m honest with myself, I quietly admit that the real reason I unleashed my death grip that day all centers on the book cover. It’s pretty eye-candy, really. Sadly, attractive book covers are not enough to make me read the actual book. Sigh. A number of people have recommended I try His Dark Materials, and I like to think that someday I’ll follow up on that recommendation.

6. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

I’ve seen all but the last released film (and I’m busy feeling upset the remaining Narnia books won’t be adapted?!), but I have only read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. I was twelve, and enjoy brooding over the fact that my literature teacher was not impressed by my pop-up and paper-made wardrobe. I thought it gave my book project creative pizazz; my teacher begged to differ. Fine, whatever — I had fun making the mini-wardrobe, but I had even greater fun reading the book. For whatever reason, I never carried on to finish the series. It’s a sad fact that I do not wish to remain a fact. Some day I’ll return to the first book and begin a Narnia adventure through all seven books.

The Chronicles of Narnia

Barnes & Noble leatherbound edition of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series

Johannes Cabal The Necromancer7. Johannes Cabal series by Jonathan L. Howard

Johannes Cabal: the soulless necromancer who wants his soul back! If only Satan was easier to bargain with. No, wait — ! His soul is back where it belongs, but now he’s on the run from the government. …And then? His necromancy powers are purchased by “The Fear Institute”?

In all honesty, I’m smitten with the cover. I’m smitten with the covers of all three books, and I’ve come close to buying these pretties on more than one occasion. As of yet, I’ve backed away from all buying opportunities, and the rest of the time I am busy forgetting that this series exists. At some point I’d like to set down all three books in their beautiful glory on my shelf. There’s no feeling like the feeling of ownership, but I’m just as eager to read this fantastical trilogy. First thing is first: it might help if I would actually remember to pick them up for reading.

A Tale Dark and Grimm8. A Tale Dark & Grimm by Adam Gidwitz

As a fan of Brothers Grimm fairy tales, I kept an eye on the first book, A Tale Dark & Grimm, for months before I knew a sequel would come. I don’t know if there are any more books planned for future publication, but I’m mostly always down for fun re-tellings of favorite classic fairy tales. In A Tale Dark & Grimm, readers journey alongside Hansel and Gretel through 8 tales, followed by the companion novel: In a Glass Grimmly, in which Jack and Jill step in to lead roles. The books seem well-received, fun, and enjoyable, and I look forward to discovering the Grimm-based and inspired world.

The Monstrumologist9. The Monstrumologist series by Rick Yancey

Another book to dose readers up on a healthy serving of spooks, or so I hear. Only recently did I realize The Monstrumologist is just one of several books, although I am not entirely sure if this series is a good match for me. There is allure in entering a mysterious world full of strange creatures and horror that will make you gasp, however, and I’m interested. Monstrumologist be ware; I’m coming for you.


Hold Me Closer Necromancer10. Necromancer series by Lish McBride

I don’t always have time for reading the books I want to read, and I reach a breaking point when several days becomes several weeks of hardly consuming few pages at a slow pace. That’s when I seek quick, fun books that are light but complex enough to still hold interest. From what I hear, Hold Me Closer, Necromancer is good entertainment that leaves readers wanting a sequel. Well, a sequel was released last year, and the third (and fourth?) book is expected. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll get around to the first two books in time to join the rest of the fans for book three.


Which book series do you have your eyes on?

23 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #8

    • I’m excited to read all of them, really, but the Chronicles of Narnia has been sitting the longest on my shelf just waiting to be read. I hope to make time for it this year!

    • It seems was have the same problem for DoSaB — I just haven’t gotten to it yet, although I’d love to read it! I’ve even taken it off my shelf and sat it near my bed so that I won’t forget about it.

    • I hear positive commentary left and right regarding that particular book, and for the sequel as well. It looks like an interesting series, doesn’t it? Can’t wait to start it!

  1. Oh, I adore The Chaos Walking trilogy. You should read them ASAP. They’re so thrilling you won’t be able to put them down once you start. I’m really hoping Ness writes another YA series SOON.

    Glad to have found you via TTT!

    • Ahh, I’m so torn — I desperately want to start the Chaos Walking Trilogy right now, but I’m in the middle of alternating between three other books. I should save Ness’ series for my upcoming break — I’ve heard many good things about Chaos Walking, and I’m dying to read them.

    • I’m doing that terrible thing where I skip around from book to book thanks to impulse reads. I’m dying to read Chaos Walking! Especially right now. As in this very instant. It’s sitting there on my shelf… asking me to read it. It’s almost impossible for me to make reading progress at this point. Do I read The Knife of Never Letting Go or do I continue through these other books I picked up? – flails –

      Definitely! I think I’ll wait until summer to finish The Broken Empire, though. Last time I tried reading the first book during classes, and classes just got in the way. Grumble, grumble. I can’t wait for classes to end!

    • Good to hear! It does sound like a fun series (: I hope you get around to Daughter of Smoke & Bone this month, then, and find you enjoy it! A great number of people love that series, and I’m curious to try it myself.

  2. Woah! Wait! What? They aren’t adapting the rest of the Narnia books to film? I think I just died a little from sadness.
    Check out my TTT.

    • As far as I know, which I don’t think I’ll ever get over. I was curious to know about the next film (when are they going to release it?!), and then I learned some contract has expired and Walden Media no longer has purchasing rights for more films. It’s a case of The Never-Ending Sigh for me — I enjoy the films and looked forward to more with the same actors.

  3. Like many here, I’ve heard great things about Daughter of Smoke & Bone. The series I most want to tackle at some point are Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin books. I read the first four many years ago and always meant to continue.

    I was on a big YA kick a couple of years ago and tried the Maze Runner, which I had heard a lot about. Frankly, it was just okay. I finished it with no real desire to continue the series. Given that so many YA series start strong and then usually devolve, I won’t read on if I’m not completely absorbed.

    • I looked it up on GoodReads — I had no idea Master & Commander was the first in a series. I’m not certain I watched the entirety of the book’s film adaption, because I thought it slowly-paced, but I may give the book a go at some point. One series I’ve been meaning to check out for some time is A Song of Ice & Fire, and I’m annoyed that I forgot about it (again).

      Unfortunately I feel dread now every time I look at The Maze Runner. It’s just the thought of re-reading what I’ve already read to reach the unread parts again. I hope to finish the book in the future and like it enough to finish the trilogy — especially since I bought the set already!

      • I think the movie was based on the 10th novel. Something like that anyway. I remember thinking it was an odd choice. The best description I’ve heard of the M&C books is that they are Jane Austen’s captains at sea. I admit I don’t pay very much attention to the sea battles, but love the characters, historical details, and the life-on-a-ship bits.

    • I hope to find time to read The Monstrumologist this year, because it never seems able to fit into my schedule when I want to start it! Thanks for dropping by (:

  4. Great list! I had no idea Zusak had any other books beyond his first two. I must seek them out IMMEDIATELY.

    Also, yay for Narnia! You really should read them, as the movie completely screwed up Dawn Treader, which is my favorite book in the series. (My second favorite is The Magician’s Nephew, because it’s so imaginative, AND you find out where the White Witch came from.)

    My TTT:

    • I am intensely curious about Zusak’s Wolfe Brothers series, and I wonder if they match up to his last two published novels. I’ll be hunting them down before his next book is released (which I hope is SOON).

      I think I’ll start the Narnia books with The Magician’s Nephew instead of saving it for last, then — I’m typically ‘eh’ about prequels, but you’ve made it sound much more interesting!

  5. The Wolfe Brother series is amazing. I adored it. I enjoyed Hold Me Closer, Necomancer but haven’t continued the series yet.

    • I am both excited and wary about the Wolfe Brothers, only because I’m not sure what to make of the summary. It’s a certain thing, though: I will definitely have my hands on it at some point!

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