In My Mailbox #4

In My Mailbox is a book meme hosted by The Story Siren. Click here to read more and participate!

In My Mailbox is a book meme hosted by The Story Siren. Click here to read more and participate!

I know it’s been a little while since I have been around, but I desperately needed time away for school. And now? I’m baaaaack! And with new books, too, as well as what I’m sure is a broken toe and sprained ankle — but let’s leave the latter tidbit at “Raya is too lazy to schedule a doctor’s appointment” and move on to the books. All right? Right.

Johannes Cabal the Necromancer & About a Boy

Soon after experiencing a mild burn-out on young adult literature, I was very firm about what my next purchase would involve. This included more “grown-up” works, yes, but I had a particular title in mind. No matter how many books I would buy, no matter how little or plenty I would spend, my next book purchase needed to include Johannes Cabal the Necromancer. By happenstance, I first spotted it in the bookstore months ago and failed to seize the opportunity. Hoping it was still there and that I wouldn’t have to wait even longer by placing an order, I strode back into the store this week. And? There it was, sitting exactly how I’d seen it before — crunched between other Howards and Hughs or whoevers — and I’m quite glad to be the proud owner of a sizzling hot book. (By “sizzling hot” I mean, “The cover is valuable and completely worth the immeasurable time I spend ogling and drooling,” as well as, “This book sounds great and I would like to figuratively consume it.”)

As for Nick Hornby’s About a Boy: the book was practically next to Howard’s novel. An impulsive buy! Who knows when I will get around to reading it, thinking about the number of unread books I already own — not to forget crazy stacks of library copies that I am prone to hoarding. In the least, I have seen the film. Although it’s been years since I last watched it, I did enjoy it and found the movie somewhat touching with good humor to boot. For now, I can only hope that I’ll develop similar feelings towards the book.

A Monster Calls

  • A Monster Calls: inspired by Siobhan Dowd’s idea, written by Patrick Ness, and illustrated by Jim Kay

Let me tell you: I experienced a strange emotion when I left the bookstore. Book-buying is a pick-me-up. If I’m not buying for someone else, I am buying to make myself a little less craptastic, and in both cases I walk out in a boosted mood. This time around I felt bad. This is the first time, and hopefully the only time, that I will associate icky emotions and book-buying, although I suspect this has to do with the lovely numbers on the receipt. I don’t normally spend $50 in one visit, because I’m used to spending $30 or below. I might drop in twice in one week and spend $70 — and then go in two more times the following week — but spending little increments during each visit feels better than going all-out. Doesn’t it?

In any case, I did not buy this for myself! If you caught my last post, I mentioned a giveaway. Of course, deciding on which book(s) to give away is something I have difficulty on narrowing. There are a number of great books I’d love to share and gift, but which do I choose?! [Frowns. Pulls hair. Grunts.]

I spied A Monster Calls, and I knew then that is one book I’d love to ship off to someone. No hesitations here: this is one book that will sit on my favorites shelf for years and years. It’s endearing for its honesty, which I appreciate, and I was taken aback by how moving a story I find it. I will give it away (internationally, and I’ve already decided that you do NOT need to be a follower)* once I have reviewed it, so readers be looking.

*To note: I am leaning toward Tumblr’s reblogging system for this. As I’m not particularly fond of Rafflecopter, this seems like a straight-forward means. If you have experience with other giveaway methods, to share about it is more than welcome.

Out of the Easy & The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Although I bought Sepetys’ and Stevenson’s books several weeks back, I thought I’d slip them in this post — and I’m doing exactly that. I am aware that I have only read Ruta Sepetys’ debut novel, Between Shades of Gray, but I already consider myself a fan. Having read and adored nearly everything about Ruta’s first novel, I find it difficult to imagine that Out of the Easy will disappoint me. Unfortunately, as I’ve said, I’m in a ‘YA lit is a no-no’ mood. I don’t plan to start this book any time too soon, but I expect and look forward to having my emotions flipped around like pancake batter.

In the mean time, I’m sl-o-w-ly making my way through Stevenson’s collected stories. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one story I’ve nagged myself for years to read, and: I read it, finally! I will save my thoughts for a review, but what I think is similar to how I feel about Treasure Island: likeable and readable but lackluster. For now I’m keeping a distance, but I do plan on returning for the next story: The Lodging for the Night.

And I’m all out of new books to share! Which books have you recently picked up?


15 thoughts on “In My Mailbox #4

  1. Ahahah I have the exact same copy of About A Boy. Have you seen the movie? And you’ll probably be disappointed that my mom didn’t finish A Monster Calls Yet :(. I hope she gets to finish it when she comes back from Sri Lanka. I hope you enjoy Out of the Easy. It’s by the author who wrote Between Shades of Grey right? The cover for The Necromancer is so awesome. I love your haul this week Raya! Enjoy your books!

    • Ha, do you? I think I prefer the orange cover the most, but I grabbed the only copy in the bookstore. Oh, and yes: I’ve seen the movie. Have you? It’s been a long time, but I think it’s a cute, humorous film, so I hope the book evokes the same emotions.

      Ooh, and I had a terrible time walking away from A Monster Calls! I read through it quickly, but it’s a wonderful story. I hope your mom enjoys it whenever she does finish it. Did you buy the hardback or paperback? The store only had paperback in stock, but I swear I’ll get my hands on the hardcover.

      Out of the Easy is by the same author who wrote Between Shades of Gray — great book, so I can’t picture myself feeling disappointed over her newest novel. Have you watched the ‘promotional’ trailer for Between Shades of Gray? It’s surprisingly emotional, and I watched it months after reading the book.

    • It’s certainly an original look, I think, which makes it all the more awesome. I’m hoping to enjoy the book itself possibly more than I adore the cover, too.

      Thanks for dropping by!

  2. I’m halfway through Out of the Easy right now and it’s quite interesting, especially to a girl in the middle of the college process.

    • I hope you enjoy the rest of it! I know little about the plot, but I do know that I loved Ruta’s debut, so I can’t imagine myself disliking Out of the Easy one bit.

    • Me too. It’s been so many years since I’ve watched the movie, but I know I enjoyed it the several times I have seen it. I must make room for the book at some point!

    • Have you read Between Shades of Gray? Such a great book! I was up until the early morning reading it with tears in my eyes. I hope Out of the Easy is just as good.

    • I blame the Hollywood glam that set my expectations for Stevenson’s work — I thought it’d be more frightening, but it’s quite different than how I imagined. I still enjoyed it, though, and I look forward to reading the rest of his work. (:

      • I know what you mean. When I first read it I thought it would be scarier too. No worries, though. I love it still. Haha. I’m definitely going to read more of his work too. (:

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