In My Mailbox #7

*If you caught this post yesterday, that’s because my brain fried and couldn’t differentiate SATURDAY from SUNDAY. In other words, I scheduled it for the wrong day. This post is virtually the same, but with the ~pretty~ addition of graphics. Enjoy.

In My Mailbox is a book meme hosted by The Mod Podge Bookshelf. Click here to read more and participate!

In My Mailbox is a book meme hosted by The Mod Podge Bookshelf. Click here to read more and participate!

Earlier in the week I had a five-page, single-spaced research paper due. High volumes of absolute panic shot through me all last weekend–courtesy of procrastination–and I sank into Hermit Mode. I survived on ramen noodles and peanutbutterchocolatebanana shakes, and not a soul dared to disturb me. The only outside contact made was through Skype, which mostly consisted of one-sided research paper complaints–from my end, anyway.  For hours and days, I sat and sat in front of the computer: typing, sitting… typing, sitting. And so on. This cycle repeated for what must have been five days. Five days. Now, with my paper handed in and only finals left to worry about, sitting and typing at the computer is the very last activity I have in mind.

But books arrived in the mailbox and at my doorstep, and I then I found myself creeping through bookstore shelves… Which means one thing: I have new books! All of which I’m eager to share, and so here I am: sitting and typing…

Siege and Storm

I remember when I first read Shadow & Bone and how excited I felt to read a copy. As it happened, the book was released a few days before spring quarter ended, and Shadow & Bone was my reward for surviving pre-calc. This year I figured I’d save Siege & Storm for after finals (June 11th/12th), too. I figured I’d be adult-like and prioritize responsibly, which meant nothing but test prep. Siege & Storm proved too great of a temptation for me, because I read the book anyway. (Expect a review. But after finals. You see me prioritizing?) I delayed study time and blew off a night’s worth of sleep to finish Leigh’s book, and I have no regrets. The second book is a huge improvement from the first–not that I don’t like both–but the series grew up in Siege & Storm. I’m pining for Ruin & Rising already, and how could I not with an ending like that? Instead, I’m settling for a Bone & Shadow re-read.

S&B and TES

I was dumb enough to clump in my order of Shadow & Bone and Sanderson’s book with my Siege & Storm pre-order — otherwise these two would have shown up months ago! I’d hoped to re-read Shadow & Bone before Siege & Storm, but that didn’t work out. I intend to finish off the first Grisha book a second time before writing up  my S&S review, and besides… Since I finished S&S, I am left with a giant, gaping hole of nothingness wondering what to do in life now that I’m out of Grisha reading material. A re-read is exactly what I need.

The Emperor’s Soul has me particularly excited, though. I first learned of it after reading Carl’s convincing review from Stainless Steel Droppings. His commentary urged me to check the story out, and after reading many reviews on several of Sanderson’s other books, it’s difficult to think I’ll feel disappointed. The Emperor’s Soul sounds like an imaginative novella, and I even plan to read The Rithmatist afterward.

The Sweetest Dark

Pretty girls in pretty dresses aren’t exactly my favorite forms of cover art, and I admit that The Sweetest Dark‘s jacket discourages me. It’s the book’s summary, however–aside from the “girl-meets-two-handsome-boys/love triangle” aspect–that caught my interest. Mostly due to the books historical fantasy genre, Shana Abé’s series reminds me of Robin Bridge’s Katerina Trilogy. I can’t say Bridge’s The Unfailing Light impressed me (review to come later), but I did enjoy The Gathering Storm. I have my doubts about The Sweetest Dark, but I hope Abé will prove those doubts wrong.

14 thoughts on “In My Mailbox #7

  1. Wondered where this post disappeared to yesterday.

    Great buys. Having read the companion story to Seige and Storm, “The Too-Clever Fox” (which I discussed in detail in today’s post..*shameless self promotion*) I am not really wanting to go ahead and pick up both Bardugo books and will probably do so this week. I loved the cover from the start and should have just went with reading these right away.

    If you want to treat yourself to a quick read, which I understand in no way spoils anything in the books, pop over to the link and give this a read. It is great!

    And hooray for getting The Emperor’s Soul. Even though I’ve read it twice I was thinking just the other day that I would like to do a re-read of it.

    • I’ll be interested in hearing your thoughts on Leigh’s Shadow & Bone and Siege & Storm. I quite instantly became hooked into S&B, and while I expected good things to come from Leigh in her Grisha sequel, she surprised me in ways I didn’t imagine. I plan on reading her short Ravkan tales ASAP once finals end — at least I have that to look forward to after all the studying, but also–

      The Emperor’s Soul! I am REALLY looking forward to this one, so I can’t wait for classes to end.

  2. I know how you feel about ‘prioritising’ haha. I am going through finals right now, and Siege and Storm is arriving in the mail. I am almost hoping it will arrive after my last exam, so that it won’t pull me (inevitably) away from study!
    And now I have even more books added to my TBR list! I need so much more time for reading. Sigh.

    • That would be perfect timing! I remember last year when S&B was released, I had requested it through the library, and it became available for pick-up the day my last class ended. I went home after that and sat and read straight through — I hated to even put the book pause! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on S&S, too — Leigh really surprised me in this one, and I can only imagine how great the third book will be.

      Good luck on the rest of your finals, by the way! Mine end on Wednesday, so I’m looking forward to then and whipping out my books.

      • You were very lucky with Shadow and Bone! I bought my copy off ebay earlier this year because it only added like 5 dollars to my order – I didn’t even know what it was about – and now it is one of my favourite books!

        Everyone is saying Siege and Storm is amazing – I am so keen to read it!

        Thank you very much! I finish on the 19th, it feels so far away! Good luck to you, too :)

    • Well look who’s finally decided to log back into WordPress. Too bad there are no emoticons, or I’d use a slinky one.

      I DID. Or almost. I’ll feel like celebrating once my tests are taken and I can dump all of my note cards. You know that beautiful sense of triumph and elation that comes from throwing out all your hard work to memorize information that you will never use? Yeah.

      I refuse to be publicly seen carrying books with those covers. (Exception: Miss Peregrine cover. Also: Riggs finally released a title and excerpt for the next book. It’s about time.) At least mine is in hardback and I can remove the jacket, but in paperback? Nope.

      • It only took me several long months and one password reset.

        My Bio outlines are getting straight up ripped out of my comp book and sprinkled into the trash can. There are so many invertebrates, dude. So many. Jellying and mucusing and running roughshod over decent folk–like me–who only want a rest from their spineless madness.

        You could carry them around wrapped in brown paper, like illicit literary substances.

      • Do you plan on updating your blog at some point? It looks abandoned, Anna. Abandoned and in need of TLC.

        My medical anthropology teacher thanked me when I turned in my final. It somehow made me feel guilty. And German… There was a twinge of something sad when I dumped my note cards. My instructor wanted us all to wear our German club t-shirts today. Me and about half the class conveniently “forgot.” (In the hall, bumping into my instructor: “[distressed] Your shirt!” Or maybe more like, “Your shirt! ??! ? !!”)

        I went through my books today and re-discovered my copy of Running with Scissors. Groan.

  3. Hi! Can I ask you something? Siege and Storm has deckled edges? I recently bought Unravel Me without knowing that it had deckled edges and, since I don’t like them, I want to be careful this time!
    I’m italian so I can only order these books and unfortunately I can’t see the way they look before purchasing them!

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